The Awesome Power of A New Word

Happiness and wellbeing flow out of meaning, but a kind of meaning that isn’t always easy to articulate. Meaning is fundamentally an experience of being, not something you can necessarily explain to somebody Adyashanti on One You Feed Podcast Episode 285 Dear curious, When you adopt a new word, you take ownership of new meaning…

Three Approaches to Declawing Demons

Dear curious, I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that no matter how much I have learned, how far i’ve come, or how woke I feel on a given day, demons can always arise, seeking dominion over the nooks and crannies of my mind, heart, and body. In Introduction to Tantra, Llama…

A Writer Writes

Dear curious, I thought for a long time that I had no claim to being a writer. I would read Elizabeth Gilbert describing how she had always had a passion for writing, had always known this to be her vocation. I would read over and over again about how real writers ‘had to write’ from…

The Empty Bottle

Dear curious, Despite my best intentions to blog twice a month, I have let my site sit silent for a few months. The reason being that I had a moment of complete, perfect happiness, which was quickly followed by a depressive period. And I do love to write when I’m feeling especially lunatic, to be…

Me. Myself. I. And All The Others.

Dear curious ones, Yesterday, I had a moment of clarity. It happens now and again, despite my apparent best efforts to prevent it. I had an insight about who I am and who I am’t. When Eckhart Tolle had his enlightenment experience, he went from a state of massive suffering to complete serenity. Such was…

My Wilful Unenlightenment

Dear curious ones, At the moment I am sober curious as well as spirit curious. It’s January, so I guess I am not the only one getting curious about what a more enlightened life would feel like. Time to contemplate some stepping up, people… I once thought that being enlightened was too much like hard…

My Closer To Christmas Wishes

Dear curious ones, My Christmas celebration used to revolve around presents, booze, and mayhem, punctuated by lying around reading books and grazing on comestibles from little bowls. Then I took on the role of ‘mum who delivers Christmas’, which involved grazing on secret chocolate in the car, and ending up knackered. Now, I am going…